Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Couldn't we simply share?

Some updates as to what  the A.E.C. is attempting in Lincoln/Lincolnshire over the next year.

Our project is based predominantly upon an idea around sharing, and cooperation. Sharing knowledge, practical skills, craft skills, and cooperative principles and values in a more community minded way. In principle it is less about making money and more about getting things done, where every member can directly benefit as well as the local and wider community. (Which we believe to be the original aims of the pioneers of cooperatives, dating back at least to the Rochdale pioneers of the early 19th century) The workers cooperative aims would be to set up and run projects that can create an income (financially and through trade bargains, LETS), mentoring and taking a guiding role over them. A kind of management hub over the various income generators. Some of this would be domestic services, eco burials, end of life planning, training for all ages in new skills through workshops, craft apprenticeships, and development of existing cooperative ventures.

The housing cooperative would be a place for some of our members to live in and a space for others to come and live in through a type of hostelling trial of living and working on and in an eco friendly permaculture site. This would also potentially create a revenue for the combined cooperative (A.E.C.) People could come and spend a few weeks or a month living and working in a space where we make things and grow things. Ideally no-one would own a home, but rent one at a pre-agreed rent (set by the cooperative members). the homes/land and assets would be owned in trust. A number of core members would work at sharing knowledge and skills, with these Woofers/guests and spread the ideas of a much more sustainable and simple lifestyle. The community would be constantly open for the general public to view, witness and experience the ways in which we build environmentally friendly and sustainable buildings and harness energy from 'off grid' sources. Our knowledge and experience would be free and transparently shared with others, so that new and inventive ways of living could be brought into the homes and lives of many more people. We hope to self-build using low carbon/carbon neutral methods and materials that could be sourced from the site itself or very locally. We would also aim to find and use, recycled materials, up-cycle materials and use very little of anything that could not keep the carbon footprint at a minimum. We would hope to encourage anyone tipping or throwing away materials to donate them to us for a better end purpose than landfill. Especially other companies involved in the building trade. We would be innovative and practical in using these resources and try to help anyone in need of the learning opportunities that came from such a venture.

Skip Pictures..here.

Following the permaculture principles of Earth Care/People Care/Share of Resources (Fair Share) that were pioneered by the Australian Bill Mollison back in the 70's and currently taught here in Lincolnshire by Hannah Thorogood, the A.E.C. would hope to create huge growing space projects in many and varied spaces/places around both the city and the county, for the benefit of anyone wishing to source affordable good quality food. Permaculture (permanent agriculture/culture) is a system for the design of any environment not particularly food growing spaces, hence being at the heart of our initiatives and planning. For more information about this subject see the link to Lincolnshire Permaculture web pages. LINK.

Have a quick look at our new website. CLICK HERE

Love and light.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Woodland Workshops.

Woodland management and Celtic gathering.
Kate @Living Lincs invites you.

Celebrate The Celtic Wheel of the Year 
With Kate E A Berridge. Celtic Priestess

You are warmly invited to the following gatherings:
Samhain on Sunday the 2nd of November 2014
3pm start
Winter Solstice on Friday the 19th of December 2014
Imbolg on Sunday the 1st of February 2015
Above 1pm start
Spring Equinox on Saturday the 21st of March 2015
Beltaine on Sunday the 3rd of April 2015
Summer Solstice on Saturday the 20th of June 2015
Lammas on Sunday the 2nd of August 2015
Above 4pm start
Autumn Equinox on Saturday 20th of September 2015
At 1pm
Gathering and Ritual at a woodland site near Middle Rasen Lincs.
Please bring food and drink to share.
Feel free to bring musical instruments, fire-wood,
Candles, tea-lites, sacred offerings, songs, poems, etc.
Please CONTACT KATE to confirm & get directions:
01507 328689 0R celticspiritualhealing.com

Blessed Be

I am sending you this revised invitation to Celtic Gatherings in woodland near Middle Rasen, Lincolnshire.
These are open Gatherings, where anyone who is genuinely interested in experiencing the coming together of loving people in a beautiful space is welcome.
All we need is to know that you are coming, so we can accomodate you.
Most gatherings of this kind are closed...you have to have been introduced in some way, which can be a barrier to spontaneity and friendliness.The Celtic Tradition is everyone's spiritual heritage.Smiles will greet you when you arrive. Blessed Be.
The woodland is the main site of a new project called Living Lincs and I've attached a version of the previous poster about the Gatherings I sent out, as some people have found the first one hard to open.
This one's a pdf.
I am also sending you information about the Project itself and a new Woodland Management Course run by Living Lincs.
Membership of Living Lincs is open to anyone....just ask.
I realise you may have some of this info already, but please just pass on anything to any loving person who may be interested in any of these events.
The woods are called Temple Woods and they are a place where wonder-full things can take place.You are very welcome to get involved and bring your loving energy.
The future of these new projects depends on people supporting these exciting events...the one/s that interest you or your friends.
Temple Woods are dedicated to the Mother Earth, and Robert Paul Yorke, whose hard work made the purchase of the land possible, all of our ancestors who were deprived of their land and liberty and to the sustainable future of our Island. Children are especially welcome.
It is our sincere wish to be part of a movement for change, to nurture close kinship with Nature, wildlife, each other and to care for Temple Woods with love.

We are part of the Abundant Earth Community, based in Lincoln....good things are happening in our county...pass it on. Thanks.

All Love Surround you,
Blessed Be
Love from Kate at Living Lincs

If anyone want to get in touch for directions, please send emails to either of the addresses below.